Are you already wondering what the heck soloing in the pocket is? Well, finding the pocket is the key to making what you play feel good. The term pocket refers to how you line up rhythmically with the groove of the song. It doesn’t matter if you’re doing rhythm playing or lead work, the pocket is where the money is at.
I already showed you how to start doing this when it comes to rhythm playing, but now its time to make those leads feel great! In today’s free lesson I’ll teach you just that! Much like the rhythm version of this lesson, we start by learning to listen to what is going on in the drum groove. Get the drum groove used in the lesson here. In learning to synchronize your lead phrasing with the patterns created by the drummer’s kick and snare, you’ll be well on your way to creating perfectly pocketed solos! Once you get the hang of this, your improvised solos will take on a life of their own. So, fire up your amp or grab that acoustic and let’s get started!