Hawaii-based session player, composer, songwriter, musical director, instructor and Yamaha/Line6 clinician
Nashville-based songwriter, performer, music teacher, and YouTube sensation with over 211,000 subscribers
All we’re doing is applying that one simple scale shape, in three fretboard locations, to evoke all of the magic flavors contained within each of the seven modes.” -Robbie Calvo
40+ Modules and over 4 Hours of Content!
Robbie's unique, easy going and seasoned teaching approach guides you through the course, with lots of easy to follow playing examples over killer jam tracks.
Included with the video lessons and jam tracks you'll also get chord/scale diagrams and all the tab and notation for any additional studies.
The great thing about this course is you can apply the concept to your playing immediately with dramatic results.
However for me personally, Im such a big fan of Robbie's playing style and sound that I wanted to do a deep dive into all things Robbie.
In this IN-DEPTH INTERVIEW we will learn:
How to seamlessly and tastefully add double-stops, chromatic runs, arpeggios and interesting interval choices to your solos. Change interesting to ear grabbing interval choices that will change your solo phrasing from typical into memorable
Bringing someone into your home for a week to record a course, gives you a unique ability to get inside the mindset of incredible guitarists, like Robbie.
I couldn't pass on the opportunity to pick his brain and find out how he became the truly amazing guitar player that he is today.
Q: Do you offer a guarantee?
A: We sure do! There’s a 30-day money-back guarantee.
If for any reason (and you don't have to give a reason) you don't like the course, you can ask for a full refund.
Q: How is Pentatonic Modal Mastery delivered?
A: This is an online course. Streamable on your desktop or by using the Kajabi App on your mobile device (thats right you can take it anywhere with you).
Q: What makes this course different from other guitar courses that teach the modes?
A: Our mission is to have you sounding drastically better within minutes of starting the course.
Not months.
Not years.
With Robbie's unique approach, it has never been easier.
Not only do you get a powerful Modal course, but also multiple in-depth interviews for further exploration and application.
If you have questions, please email me directly at admin@brettpapa.com and let me know how I can help.
50% Complete
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