Making Your Blues Come Alive
A Player's Perspective with Kirk Fletcher
Making Your Blues Come Alive
Start to Make Your Guitar Playing Come Alive!
There comes a time in the life of every guitar player when it’s finally time to learn some songs or solos, play in a cover band, and maybe just maybe get out there and take some improvised solos at the local jam!
Any of these can be a frustrating mess to say the least because we are all going to have the experience of playing the songs that we’ve spent hours learning but for some reason they just don’t come across like when we hear them on the radio or on an album.
Most of the time it’s because it doesn’t FEEL the same. The notes can be correct but if the timing and the feel isn’t right you will soon realize there is way more to playing guitar than just memorizing scales or notes.
So do us mere mortals have chance at really getting things to feel great?
Now if there is one thing I have learned after teaching hundreds of in-person students and thousands of people all over the world, while natural ability can be great it doesn’t mean those without it can’t be great.
Often times it’s the ones who plug along day in and day out that usually end up at the top. By the time you see or hear them, they have spent thousands of hours honing their craft.
It’s easy to see them and think to yourself there is another one of the lucky ones who was just born with natural talent and in reality that might not be the case.
The great thing about the times we live in now is that unlike when I was growing up there are thousands of people online that can help shorten that journey of how to make things feel good for you.
One of those people is Kirk Fletcher. Whether you know of him or not he isn’t just another online blues guy that can play well.
Kirk has spent a lifetime playing. He grew up playing in gospel bands at church when he has younger and has since toured the world many times, did a stint playing in the Fabulous Thunderbirds, played with too many blues legends to name, and is now recognized as one of the most talented blues guitarists to come out in a long time!
If you want to hear a guitarist that has mastered FEEL then Kirk is your man! When he lets stuff fly you are gonna feel it. Whether he is playing the blues like BB, double stopping his way through the grooviest of R&B tunes, or just straight up setting the guitar on fire with terrifying modern blues licks, he does it all with 10 tons of feel behind him.
A few months back I brought him into my studio to see if he could convey topics like feel, timing, and phrasing ordinary guitarists like us. Kirk's videos took off and to this day he has been one of the most popular guests I have ever had on my YouTube channel.
I took it as a sign and decided to bring Kirk in to do a Player’s Perspective course with me.
I told him I want a course that is all about feel. Whether it’s timing, lead phrasing, or cool rhythm chops whatever you teach feel has got to be at the root of it.
Kirk delivered the goods and if you are at the place where it’s time to get some soul in your playing then you are going to want to check this one out.
There are three jams tracks for you to jam along to chock full of killer lead lines and rhythm playing or bust out your own ideas with the drums and bass-only tracks so you can dive into what takes to get your solos to feel amazing.
Each song is played at three different levels beginner, intermediate, and barn burner.
âś… Beginner level is perfect for those just getting into soloing who want to learn to say a lot without having to know a bunch of scales or licks.
âś… Intermediate is great for those of us who may have already developed some chops and now just want to learn what it takes to really sell or play to a crowd or on a recording.
âś… Barn burner is what you expect to see Kirk doing when he’s just cutting loose at a gig. This is where he starts to implement all of the various styles and techniques he has learned from 30-plus years of playing guitar.
No matter what your level Kirk will teach you things that will immediately start making your solos and rhythm chops come alive.
👉We will explore topics like simple 4-note solos, making your playing sound good at any tempo, different ways to get more dynamics out of your playing, different picking techniques to get the maximum amount of tone out of your hands, double stops and rhythm fills to enhance any tune you are playing on, and much much more.
Think of it as a sit-down hang with one of the baddest blues cats in around today.
Let Kirk distill down many of the tips and tricks he has learned from years of playing with some of the greatest blues guitarists ever and a lifetime of making clouds all over the world feel what he is putting down.
In this course, you will learn what it takes to start making your guitar playing come alive!
All performances are tabbed in both standard and guitar pro files.
If for any reason you aren’t totally satisfied with the course there is an unconditional 30 day money back guarantee.
The Course Includes:
Over 3 Hours of lessons
Instant access from your computer, tablet, or smartphone
Studio backing tracks
PDF downloads with full tablature
Guitar Pro Files
Making Your Blues Come Alive

You Will Learn:
How to play melodic phrasing with a new level of sophistication
Solos and lines that will give you the ah-ha moment
Major and Minor 2-5-1s
Relative Minor and Parallel Minor
How to "borrow" chords
How to use Secondary Dominants
and so much more!
Making Your Blues Come Alive

Instant Access
Once you buy the course you will have instant access to everything.
You can access the courses & lessons from your computer, tablet or smartphone with the Kajabi app.
In addition to the video lessons, you will also get downloadable PDFs with tabs, making it easy to take the content and apply it to your playing.

Take It With You
This course is built on Kajabi, which means you can take it with you on mobile or a tablet by simply downloading the Kajabi app!